The Iraq War & Archaeology Blog - News, Background and Comment Francis Deblauwe, Ph.D., Editor
August 09, 2008
Ossendrijver Iraq photos, 2
I know I haven't posted for some time... Here's something to tide you over: more Mathieu Ossendrijver photos from his Iraq trip in 2000 (I posted the 1st batch in 2006—time flies!). This time they were taken at the archaeological site of Aqar Quf (ancient Dur Kurigalzu, approximately 30 km/19 mi W of Baghdad). It was the capital for a while during the Kassite period, occupied from the 14th-12th cent. BC. See also University of Chicago Oriental Institute. Archaeological Site Photography for more pictures. The most prominent feature is the remains of the ziggurat with the surrounding (reconstructed) buildings:
Running tally of sites looted and damaged in the course of the Iraq War
(very preliminary and grossly incomplete list based on the articles listed on this web site; modern name followed by possible variants
between square brackets and, if known, by ancient name(s) between parentheses; initial "el-" does not count for alphabeticizing; look up names with
and without an initial "Tell") ($ = looted; # = damaged)
Abbas el-Kurdi $
Abu Shahrain (Eridu) #
Abu Skehr $
Adr el-Sa'id $
'Ana #
Babil (Babylon, Babel) $# → Bavian - see Khinnis
Birs Nimrud (Borsippa) $
Bismayyah (Adab) $ → Chokha - see Tell Jokha
Dahaileh $
Dair Mar Elia [St. Elijah's Monastery] #
Dhahir [el-Dhaara?] (Dubrum) $
Drehem (Puzrish-Dagan) $
Fara (Shuruppak) $
Farwa $
el-Hadr (Hatra) $#
Ishan Bakhriyyat (Isin) $
Khinnis [Khines, Khuns, Bavian] (Khunusa) #
Kirkuk [Kerkük] (Arrapha) #
Kuyunjik [Koyunjuk] (Nineveh, Ninua) $
el-Meda'in [Madaen, Salman Pak, Sulman Pak] (Ctesiphon, Tisfun) $
el-Medinah [Tell el-Meda'in] (Bad-Tibira) $
Nimrud (Kalkhu, Calah) $
Nuffar (Nippur) $
el-Qusair $ → Salman Pak - see el-Meda'in
Samarra (Souma, Sumere, Sumra, Surra Man Ra'a) # → St. Elijah's Monastery - see Dair Mar Elia